Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
B-dul Libertăţii nr. 14, Bucuresti, 6 Decembrie 2015. Putin dupa ora 3 dimineata. In sediul central al SRI, liniile telefonice incepeau sa se inroseasca. Tanarul de 17 ani din Craiova acuzat de propaganda jihadista, si care isi spunea Omar al-Faruq, vorbise. Si vestile nu erau deloc bune. Celula din Craiova, din care facea parte, planuia un atentat terorist la un meci de fotbal din etapa a 21-a campionatului intern, dintre FC Steaua si CSU Craiova, ce urma sa se tina pe Arena Nationala de la ora 20:30. Deplasarea la Bucuresti urma sa fie facuta cu trenul IR1822 chiar in aceea noapte. Si cam aici se opreau informatiile concrete obtinute de la tanarul cu rataciri teroriste.
Rotitele sistemului erau deja in miscare. Cu o jumatate de ora inainte, un raport al unui agent al politiei locale prezent pe peronul garii semnala ca un grup de suporteri craioveni, carand cateva genti voluminoase, a fost vazut urcandu-se intr-un tren de cusete ce circula pe ruta Arad-Bucuresti. Interpelati de echipajul de politie inainte de imbarcare, ultras-ii au raspuns ca transporta steaguri si bannere.
Urgenta situatiei in lumina noilor informatii era evidenta. Nu se stia nimic despre modul in care teroristii intentionau sa-si puna in practica planul, nici cati erau, si nici macar daca erau in acel tren, care urma sa soseasca in Bucuresti Nord la ora 5:59. Dar era clar ca amenintarea era reala. Iar posibilele efecte, daca nu complet indepartate, trebuiau macar limitate. Un asalt al trupelor anti-tero iesea din discutie. Trebuia gasita o solutie pentru a nu trezi vigilenta teroristilor, care, daca se simteau incoltiti, puteau in orice moment sa-si abandoneze planul “grandios” si sa-si aleaga alta “audienta”, mai la indemana. Puteau deturna sau distruge locomotiva, ceea ce insemna sute de victime, intr-o multitudine de scenarii.
Videle, ora 5:07. Ultima oprire inainte de Bucuresti. Sub pretextul schimbarii locomotivei, vagonul cu suporteri a fost detasat de celelalte vagoane de dormit. Singur cu locomotiva, la adapostul intunericului, vagonul a fost tras pe o linie abandonata din cimitirul de vagoane dezafectate al CFR, de langa oras. Locatia, din care toate persoane pe care le-au putut gasi pe o raza de 500m fusesera evacuate, populata cu vagoane decupate pentru a fi vandute la fier vechi, parea desprinsa dintr-un univers dystopian. O uriasa omida cu alimentatie siderurgica si apetit nemasurat isi etala carcasele victimelor devorate.
O geana de lumina se caznea sa inroseasca cerul de iarna, cand trenul s-a oprit.
9 Inscrisi:
- Princess.ruxi
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- Bombaclaat
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- Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:20 pm
Wish I could join... Something about jihadis and derelict Romanian railnetwork?
Ioai si io
I think you're good to join, you got the gist of it and we already know you're good at making non-sensical stuff upBombaclaat wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:15 pmWish I could join... Something about jihadis and derelict Romanian railnetwork?
@Bombaclaat I can translate for youBombaclaat wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:15 pmWish I could join... Something about jihadis and derelict Romanian railnetwork?
- Bombaclaat
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Ok, but you'll have to excuse me if google translate fails and point out nuances of the language employed.Emilly wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:18 pm@Bombaclaat I can translate for youBombaclaat wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:15 pmWish I could join... Something about jihadis and derelict Romanian railnetwork?
No problemBombaclaat wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:21 pmOk, but you'll have to excuse me if google translate fails and point out nuances of the language employed.Emilly wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:18 pm@Bombaclaat I can translate for youBombaclaat wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:15 pmWish I could join... Something about jihadis and derelict Romanian railnetwork?
- EscapedConvict
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ThisHeffie wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:17 pmI think you're good to join, you got the gist of it and we already know you're good at making non-sensical stuff upBombaclaat wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 6:15 pmWish I could join... Something about jihadis and derelict Romanian railnetwork?
- EscapedConvict
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I think @Bombaclaat will do better than me at romanian.. dar macar vom incerca
@Daemon esti din Craiova?
Shall we rename this forum "Romanian Porch"? I think it has a nice ring to it.
- EscapedConvict
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- Bombaclaat
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- Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:20 pm
Yeah it looked pretty good. You alright with me tagging along?
I'm not sure, are you sure you wanna bother with slang and whatever these guys will write in undoubtedly unchecked Romanian?Bombaclaat wrote: ↑Wed May 06, 2020 8:16 pmYeah it looked pretty good. You alright with me tagging along?
If you're gonna try, I recommend getting the GT extension. ... cleb?hl=en
I always use it for work cause my tasks are in norwegian and it works like a charm )) one click and it translates the entire page ... cleb?hl=en
I always use it for work cause my tasks are in norwegian and it works like a charm )) one click and it translates the entire page
vote Bombaclaat because you are mentalBombaclaat wrote: ↑Wed May 06, 2020 8:16 pmYeah it looked pretty good. You alright with me tagging along?
Playing along with google translate?
That sounds like such a bad idea and incredibly fun at the same time.
That sounds like such a bad idea and incredibly fun at the same time.
@Google Translate wrote:vote Clemens to tell me something in Romanian. If we continue like this, we will make a mafia in German, moderated by @Daemon
Jucam sau ba?
Hai ca mai dau un mail.
Just testingVote;*+#%
Cred că iar facem o pauză de câțiva ani. Următoarea mafie când ne pensionăm
- Princess.ruxi
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- Location: Bucharest
Nu stiu ce sa zic, sper sa incepem cat mai repede... De la 1 iunie incep o perioada mai grea si nu o sa prea am timp de Mafia.