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by Clemens
Fri May 08, 2020 3:47 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Yes, but statistically they're both more likely to kill townies, especially in the beginning of the game. Indeed, if they murder at random throughout the game. Sooner or later the psychos would have had to cooperate with the townies to actually kill some mafia as well. If they don't manage to do so...
by Clemens
Fri May 08, 2020 3:43 pm
Forum: Romanian Porch
Topic: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Replies: 35
Views: 58374

Re: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri

Emilly wrote:
Fri May 08, 2020 8:57 am
vote Clemens ca sa imi spuna ceva in limba romana. Daca continuam asa, facem o mafie si in germana, moderata de @Daemon
Google Translate wrote:vote Clemens to tell me something in Romanian. If we continue like this, we will make a mafia in German, moderated by @Daemon
by Clemens
Thu May 07, 2020 6:40 pm
Forum: Romanian Porch
Topic: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Replies: 35
Views: 58374

Re: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri

Playing along with google translate?
That sounds like such a bad idea and incredibly fun at the same time. :lol:
by Clemens
Wed May 06, 2020 4:34 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Psychos and Mafia are not allies, so in theory they could have killed one another.
It just so happened that the psychos were all killed in one go during the multi-lynch festival of 2020 before they accomplished anything. :D
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Mary wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:50 pm
If I hadn't of died that day, I would have died the following day. Plus knowing I would die meant I did day time dirty work and voted for every townie that died. It would never have lasted :D
Just a matter of time, yes.
But the numerical balance.... right, no one cares. :x
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:47 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Mary wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:45 pm
I still can't believe we targeted the one person immune to infection on night 1!!!!!!!!
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:47 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

It was a very valiant effort, alas, nothing could have saved me at that point. You were in a bad spot, but I don't think you were beyond saving. The innocents were very divided and very inactive, so there was a chance for it to happen. Ironically, the false-sense of security that came from lynching...
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:44 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Skuggi wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:42 pm
@Clemens, were you dying or sick or something?
Nope; everything I said was true.
@Daemon likes seeing me struggle. :lol:
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:17 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Skuggi wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:15 pm
Why you didn't put @Bombaclaat into the icebox immediately after his role claim I'll never understand :D
Probably because townies were more concerned about killing conspirators than mafia.
Did you come up with those wacky unbelievable things together or yourself? :D
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:12 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Bombaclaat wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:11 pm
Solid advice, for you know townies... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, they all chose to ignore it. :roll:
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:11 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

It was a deserved win for Mafia, honestly. ;) God knows what townies were doing during the first 2 days. Mafia played it cool and just rolled with it. PS: I did have you ( Noni ) and zero as most likely suspects. And may I repeat once again for comedic effect, MrWaffles LITERALLY poisons people's fo...
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:08 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Noni wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:07 pm
i think she didn't think there were 5 mafia left - probably nobody did. not even you until i lied about your night whereabouts
I kept warning about it. :roll:
Including the warnings about lynching so many conspirators at once.
Over. And over again.
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:07 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Noni wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:04 pm
guys to everyone i picked a fight with all i can say is sorry if i pissed you off.
No worries; that's all part of the game. :lol:
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 10:03 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

So, I think I speak for most of us if I ask this one question:
If you wanted to give me a chance to reply, why did you instantly vote for me after seeing multiple people jump onto me without any hesitation? :roll:
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 8:33 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

This sounds very incriminating. Clemens has behaved unlike himself in this game, so I’ll add my vote as well. vote Clemens It's also easy to tell that Skuggi is lying. He claimed to have an NTA to kill someone of weak condition - aka someone infected with strand S (as we've established). Yet he sti...
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 8:31 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I see your point Clemens but last time someone claimed that Noni is lying with her NTA, that person turned out to be not just mafia but apparently patient 0. This is not true. Emilly 's first reaction was to give Noni an out, by claiming she probably got the targets or nights wrong. Remember? Emill...
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 8:28 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

i don't trust you or your attempts at math. 9 mafia and 3 or more of a different evil faction? nah If they were allied, I would agree with you. But they are not allied and they definitely count for townies. At this point, it's obvious that you are desperate to get that last townie lynch, so there i...
by Clemens
Mon May 04, 2020 8:22 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I'm pretty sure this is our last day and our last available lynch. Let's do the math. 28 players total. 1/3rd would be ~9. 3 Infected dead = 6. But if there were 6 Mafia, it would have been over yesterday already at 12 players. And even tonight it would have been over at 11. So it's more likely ther...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 5:05 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Just make sure to use it (if you're telling the truth) before the agreed upon deadline, because that's when my vote is coming if you haven't done it. ;)
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 5:02 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

18 GMT is 20 CEST, which would be in an hour.
But since we have nothing to really talk about, doing it an hour early makes little difference (if it's true).
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 4:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Noni wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 4:38 pm
I'm happy for rene to prove himself. My vote on clemens was an idea in case rene's ability is more important to keep than test. If that makes sense.
Alright, let's assume @Rene is innocent and just made errors.
Who are your current suspects?
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 3:28 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

There is no need to rush piling on votes onto him anyway, if we have something else to talk about.
Any suggestions?
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 3:22 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Noni wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 3:21 pm
Hope you understand.
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 3:21 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Daemon wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 11:12 am
There are 12 players remaining. 7 votes required for instant lynch and no lynch, 4 votes required for deadline lynch.
I'll refrain from voting if you have enough for a deadline lynch, and add a vote if you're below.
You currently have 4 votes.
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 3:05 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

since none of them can confirm a game they played where this kind of DTA ever existed. Google says it could exist, but anyone could google accordingly and base a fake role on it. I know DTAs exist in general, and I've seen some very rarely in a previous Daemon game before. Regardless, I don't know ...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 3:00 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Noni is simply saying if my ability is of one time use, it should be preserved to save others. But even I, do not believe that to be a possible outcome. Not since we went halfway through Day four. And certain intentions were made crystal clear. Noni is that the only reason? Because that makes no se...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:56 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

The fact that the last message wasn't read implies to me she was decoupled from Mafia. Perhaps, but everything else implies otherwise. The email would have been more threatening, and she'd have died during the night (according to her own claims). There also wouldn't have been two redacted names in ...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:50 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

You were talking about Rene with stalling, but voted for me?
I still don't follow; please elaborate.
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:45 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

All I wanted to show is that you did not prioritize lynching Mary first, I did, except for of course EC (F) who made it his life goal. Alright, but do note that I was always willing to lynch the twins at the end of the day. In fact, I wanted to lynch Mary/EC before going for Nanaa (something that a...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:43 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

I don't want rene to use his ability. We may need it down the line depending on what numbers we have. And he may only have one chance but he is stubborn and wants to prove us wrong. Wouldn't him being able to prove that he is a townie be beneficial? Unless you have some clear-cut Mafia suspects lin...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:36 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

(Oh, forgot to add in this reply to the last post to zero .) I think we can both agree the town got VERY lucky with Emily's unforced error and she had a big chance of getting her way and saving Mary from the lynch after manipulating phox and then trying it on with you. Yes, I agree it was lucky. She...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:32 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I also cannot forget that Clemens refused to get rid of Mary first even though he keeps claiming otherwise today. I don't know what you mean, could you elaborate? Sure. (Not quoting everything else above, just to keep things a little easier to digest.) I never agreed that we should kill Mary/EC fir...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:00 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Let us know when you are back; my vote is ready for you.
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 2:00 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

OK, just to clarify: Does your immunity exist because you have an immune system that can fight off any virus, or does it exist because you happened to take a particular vaccine in the past that can stop this "L virus?" My immunity comes from my immune system, and my previously incurable chronic inf...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 1:53 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Bombaclaat wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 1:51 pm
Not a good trade if the numbers are close.
If my theory is true, this was only a minor win at best.
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 1:53 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

This part does not make sense. If I am not mistaken, you are saying that you are immune to this virus because you injected yourself with the vaccine in the past (not because of your overactive immune system). However, this is a brand new virus. If I am not wrong, the Chinese developed it in this ve...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 1:48 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Now to finally look at the death clues. Heffie (Coerced Environmental Microbiology Researcher) is put in cryo-stasis. Her claimed role name checks out. Even the coerced part, but what's interesting is that it even has a "Coerced" part at all - this is significant. So far, we've only had Mafia player...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 1:30 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I'm back home and catching up the rest. I am personally waiting for Clemens to get online, and I really want to have him here before lynching Heffie. I might even consider temporarily unvoting Heffie so I can hear more from Clemens first. However, it is probably a good idea to wait for Clemens, so I...
by Clemens
Sun May 03, 2020 9:45 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I don't have much time right now, so just a quick pop in. Right now we may need to determine truth about Heffie or Clemens. Personally I am currently a bit more suspicious about Clemens, because an overactive immune system and resulting inflammation is what kills people with COVID19 (again it's call...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 9:38 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Alright, I'm back, let's see what happened. Actually, patient 0 threatened to then kill me instantly or later if I didn't follow their threats during the day. N1: she said I should vote for behemoth N2: she said to shift my attentions to princess.ruxi and Siderite (this part along with his role clai...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 4:07 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I dunno clemens, why would heffie claim the same immunity as yours if she is lying? Surely she is creative enough to come up with something benign. Perhaps because she thought it would be a safe bet, or she didn't have enough time/will for something more extravagent. Emilly went for a bigger role a...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 3:33 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I've already spent the bulk of my Saturday posting all of your quotes. I don't need to add any drivel and haven't, anyone can read through unobstructed by the confusion into Siderite at the time. I don't need to add anything else. No, most of them were crossed out with no context. One quote wasn't ...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 3:29 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

OK, got it. Do you remember why he didn't want to save anyone? Who did Sander save on night 1? why is there no night 1 target for sander? Cause I didn't target anyone. That's not entirely correct. I targeted myself. But Daemon told I could not target myself. Afterwards I refused to help another.
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 3:25 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

MrWaffles wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 3:24 pm
@Sander, if you didn't save yourself on N1, who did you try to save?
He said no one, because he didn't want to.
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 3:22 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Dude, the only more overtly guilty party other than yourself is Rene and even with him he's likely a martyr/suicide person from the crazies faction and not mafia like you, which is why you're ok with getting rid of either him or me. Makes sense. Back it up with substance for once, not made up drivel.
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 2:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Heffie You're not actually reading my replies, nor the quotes (even your own), and you keep mixing up who-said-what. I even quote my posts and other people's posts to back it up. "Skimming posts in a rush is scum behavior". Either that, or you've realized your mistakes and are trying really hard no...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 2:45 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

It is... I don't get your point. Why do you need to communicate with Rene anyway? Communicate with everyone else with the time we still have available. Then at the end of the day when there is nothing else to do, we lynch Rene . You can, quite literally, ignore Rene the rest of the day until the en...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 2:43 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

It's not what I have to lose it's what stands to be gained. He's making empty threats in desperation. But please Clemens give me a reason I'm willing to listen. It's just that conversations with Rene aren't constructive at all. But we can lynch him later just fine (even a deadline lynch works, afte...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 2:41 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Yeah, I think it's pretty safe to assume they just want the night. I don't see any other reasonable answer. No one in their right mind would keep this up, given how potentially damaging it is to the town. If it was 1-lynch per day, it would make sense to risk it. But since we do have multiple-lynch...
by Clemens
Sat May 02, 2020 2:38 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617085

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Daemon wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 2:37 pm
Clemens wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 1:40 pm
The entire theme is a massive layer of fluff.
So that's what it is, fluff... :x
A much-appreciated fluff. :D