Search found 321 matches

by phox
Wed May 06, 2020 11:31 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Best case scenario with the exit clause, worst case scenario with stack overflow.
by phox
Wed May 06, 2020 9:28 pm
Forum: Romanian Porch
Topic: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Replies: 35
Views: 58384

Re: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri

If you're gonna try, I recommend getting the GT extension. :lol: ... cleb?hl=en

I always use it for work cause my tasks are in norwegian and it works like a charm :))) one click and it translates the entire page
by phox
Tue May 05, 2020 6:09 pm
Forum: Romanian Porch
Topic: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Replies: 35
Views: 58384

Re: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri

100% in.
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 11:00 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

@Daemon thanks for making this awesome game for us, you rock! ❤️
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:41 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Yes but I’m the doctor. Once the doctor role is out, you know Mafia is going after him. Just teasing. I will forever remember the “can you be more important?” moment with radwulfs role claim. that was my favorite line in the whole game :lol: while I was reading it I had the chandler voice in my hea...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:34 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:28 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

zero what was your actual role :lol: I'm sure it wasn't a student munching on sweets :lol: :lol: :lol:
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:25 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

and what happened with Emily, did you piss her off? or was that fake as well? when i read the forum clemens had already realised her mistake and i just knew one of us had to take the fall. so i went ALL against her. there was no way we would both survive that. in my opinon this was a gamechanger fo...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:20 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Why you didn't put Bombaclaat into the icebox immediately after his role claim I'll never understand :D remember when i was begging everyone to vote mr waffles but they still kept him around?! it's the mr nice guy that kept him alive. it's the craziness for bombaclaat:))) and the jokes :lol: MrWaff...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:18 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

I guess we were too distracted by other things :lol:
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:15 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

@Bombaclaat where did you get all those wild ideas about your role :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ?
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:11 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Bombaclaat wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:03 pm
It beggars belief that you didn't lynch me before.

Also Phox... We're really sorry for building our entire end game strategy around manipulating you. :oops: :oops: :oops:

I felt really guilty about it. :mrgreen:
so nice of you to pick on the only newbie. :(
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:09 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

When I voted I for you , the only vote I saw against you was noni's. Only saw zero's after I posted.
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:06 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

So, I think I speak for most of us if I ask this one question: phox If you wanted to give me a chance to reply, why did you instantly vote for me after seeing multiple people jump onto me without any hesitation? :roll: sorry clemens :( when I saw everyone was voting you super fast I was writing a p...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:04 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

well at least you guys sent puppies flowers and Greta Thunberg in the end, what a nice way to die :facepalm:
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 10:02 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup
Replies: 38
Views: 35108

Re: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup

by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:50 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

vote Rene (the poll is disabled for me Daemon To everyone, I am honestly a bit sorry for betraying your trust. We started the game as a minority and this was the only way for us to survive. You might not believe me, but sometimes lying felt fun and sometimes it felt bad (like now). It was actually ...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:47 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

phox they are from both of us Me too. But I paid for them... :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm dying, literally and figuratively :lol: GUYS, remember that day when everyone was voting for radwulf or joe and I was trying to convince everyone to vote for Bombaclaat instead? WHY did nobody listen to me :(
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:44 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

aww so cute. too bad I hate roses.
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:31 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Rise and shine guys, I wanna start by admitting to Rene that I was wrong to not believe him about his DTA, my apologies Rene, but I must admit you were confusing me a lot. Tonight I wanted to avoid making any bad calls and forcing someone to vote for someone that is innocent. So I decided everyone ...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:29 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I wonder why we have not automatically lost yet. Let's see how this looks like, after Clemens is dead. Me, Behemoth (cleared by me), Phox (cleared by valli), valli (proved by voting today), Rene (proved by using his DTA) are not mafia. Noni (lied about Clemens), Bombaclaat (valli's NTA), zero, Skug...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:21 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

@zero in which universe do you think you are? :lol: the one where everyone believes the big bad wolf?
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:20 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

MAFIA own sisters. :oops: @Noni @Mary
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:17 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

why aren't any of the good guys online :(


by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:13 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

zero wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 9:12 pm
phox wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 9:11 pm
@Noni @zero @Skuggi why are you voting so fast and randomly for everyone???
No, because he can and will blow up the whole of Crown when he wakes up.
based on what will he blow up the crown?
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:11 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

@Noni @zero @Skuggi why are you voting so fast and randomly for everyone???
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:09 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I don't wanna vote for you but I am scared noni and zero and skuggi will outnumber us! I'll change really fast after valli and gridfon see this!!
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:07 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

unvote Noni

vote Bombaclaat
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:06 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

GUYS FAST THEY ARE KILLING US vote noni and zero!!!!
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:05 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Noni wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 9:04 pm
vote Rene
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:04 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Dear @MrWaffles who did you poison last night?
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 9:03 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

This is really annoying me!!!! I really wanted to have a discussion with clemens and hear him out first, then everyone just immediately voted for him I didn't even have time to unvote him before the posting was locked.
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 8:58 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

ok NO MORE VOTING so fast . Let's think. I voted for clemens cause noni said he visited me last night and because daemon told me I am dying. I had my own proof and I made an informed decision. Why did everyone else jump on the bandwagon so quick, you just trusted me and noni, just like that, no disc...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 8:53 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

That was waaaay too fast people!!! no more voting so fast without proper discussions, I didn't even have time to write anything else cause everyone just jumped on their vote clemens button.
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 8:31 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

@Bombaclaat I'll still read the forum to see your funny comments though, even after I die :lol:
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 8:30 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 7, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Good morning all. Princess xy was right, this game is more exciting than any tv thriller series:) As promised, I am going to declare my investigation results first. i believe behmoth requested that yesterday. Last night I hung around phox's room and I could see that she received a visit from our de...
by phox
Mon May 04, 2020 8:26 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 5, until Thursday, May 7th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Rise and shine guys, I wanna start by admitting to Rene that I was wrong to not believe him about his DTA, my apologies Rene, but I must admit you were confusing me a lot. Tonight I wanted to avoid making any bad calls and forcing someone to vote for someone that is innocent. So I decided everyone s...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:55 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I am not immune to corona because of corona, I am immune because I've injected myself with a myriad of vaccines in desperate attempts to cure an entirely unrelated chronic infection I had in the past. The goal wasn't to become viral immune, it was to cure myself. My viral immunity is a positive sid...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:49 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

oh thanks zero I didn't notice. As for you Rene , clemens said it better than me. [Rene trying to justify his own bad plays] You claim to not want to stall nor distract the townies, but then you waste time trying to prove your point that cannot be proven because you are wrong. Ok. Moving on.
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:37 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Because you're incapable of reading. I've given so many hints about it already. Do me a favor and start picking them up. well these hints are pretty crappie hints dude. Do me a favor and express yourself clearly and to the point, not a million pages of blaaaaaaaaaaah.and do me another favor and sto...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:30 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

This shift of attention towards me is either unbelievably suspicious, or foolish that you three are outing yourself. I'm ALREADY GETTING LYNCHED TODAY and I'm not asking for a way out from you. you are asking us to possibly lynch more townies so that mafia (aka you) can get majority before you get ...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:29 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Mafia will kill me. And they have to kill me at night, sooner better than later in order for them to win this game. I don't get this enormous importance you are boasting about :lol: Gridfon is far more important than you for example. Who cares about the dude that has the ability to end the day soon...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:19 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

I don't know MrWaffles , to me it seems rene is only stalling and making us waste more time, he has been the little puppet of clemens in my eyes, and he has been pretending to be useful along the way when in fact, he was just going on a ranting spree with little substance. Anyways, for now I will fo...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 1:11 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Rene with my biggest pleasure. you have been making no sense, posting frantically without any substance just to confuse people , you were just blabbing around the whole day and the cherry on top : you are the most arrogant player I have seen in this entire game, who hasn't been contributing at all ...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 12:19 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Is there any connection between these? Can you pls spell it out? I'm not seeing it :) When Daemon mentioned the greater good upon lynching Trigardon, that caused radwulf to dwell on the wording, specifically what "greater good" means. Now we have mafia discuss the greater good, again. It is likely ...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 9:42 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Question to everyone: how likely is it that Daemon made two different roles that are both called just a "Researcher"? To me, this seems to imply that either Gridfon or Heffie are lying, and we need lynch both until we determine which of them is mafia. Gridfon well I think Daemon did this in order t...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 2:51 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Rene the only immature one here is you, the problem is you can't see it because of the immensity of your ego. It's fine, you'll realize soon enough when the town deals with the heffie/clemens situation and they happily lynch one more annoying time consuming arrogant bloke. 😉 PS nobody cares about y...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 2:34 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Lynch Clemens and Heffie. I don't trust either of them. Heffie has given me a bad vibe since the start. But Clemens is playing the innocent follower when it comes to voting and that's nothing like him. Bobbe is his pet follower. He leads. [...] Concerning Clemens , like Sander mentions above, I am ...
by phox
Sun May 03, 2020 2:23 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

3 hours and a can of PringIes later I finally finished reading through all the posts. #whatAmIDoingWithMaLife First off: Rene , as we have bigger fish to fry currently. PS Rene : you are being sketchy for trying to throw suspicion on me as I openly and transparently disclosed my role which nobody ha...
by phox
Sat May 02, 2020 11:10 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617098

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

pffffffffffffffff. I am still reading through a million posts. I promise I will change my vote, based on my decision after I read all the info.