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by behemoth
Fri May 08, 2020 1:41 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

Haha wow.. those sure were the days. I can't believe we were playing this on Mirc.
by behemoth
Wed May 06, 2020 4:06 am
Forum: Romanian Porch
Topic: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Replies: 35
Views: 58371

Re: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri

I think @Bombaclaat will do better than me at romanian.. dar macar vom incerca :D
by behemoth
Tue May 05, 2020 5:03 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Haha not anymore I’m not, but then what will you do with all that free time :D
by behemoth
Tue May 05, 2020 1:11 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Noni wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 10:19 pm
oh i can't wait for @behemoth to get confirmation she was right all along:)))))
Well I can't say I'm surprised:))) You played a great game though, the victory was well deserved :)
by behemoth
Tue May 05, 2020 1:09 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113174

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

behemoth is devastated.. I was at work and by the time I was able to get on, it was all over :( Great game everyone and a big thanks to Daemon for being our masterful master of ceremonies! Now I won't know what do with myself and the spare, adrenaline-free time I suddenly have.. Sparta anyone? :D
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 5:26 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

While we still have time, I propose the the following regarding NTA disclosures on Day 5: @Noni discloses first. If there's anything fabricated about her role/target/claimed results, the info subsequently disclosed by the other investigative roles may help expose any shenanigans.
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 5:01 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:15 GMT/UTC

Regarding Clemens, while some of the technical details around his immunity puzzled me also, the fact remains that no one else has claimed viral immunity (Heffie sort of did, but then she retracted it, and then she turned out to have had dubious connections to the mafia). Moreover, my own role descri...
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 9:13 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Meanwhile I invite everyone who hasn't voted yet to make up their minds about Heffie. I think both sides have presented their arguments and there's plenty there to draw a conclusion from. In the interest of time, all those who find Heffie suspicious please vote so that we can move on to the next ord...
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 9:01 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

behemoth I never said you were the best player, I said you were clever. Also, I did go for rad on N1." Yes, I'm aware you went for rad on N1. I was trying to point out that I'm not rad material. now if i was mafia i would try to eliminate my strongest opponents during the night, which is why i chec...
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 7:54 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I got 'L'ed. Don't you regret targeting the medic now, Noni? Or are you happy because you are a mobster and fooled me! Sorry Sander, but I think no one noticed this. Does 'L'ed mean L strain? Like in post #1971 from valli? Does this mean you are dying tonight? -MrWaffles I missed this earlier. Sand...
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 7:39 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

i picked you as my target as i think you are a very clever player (i don't know exactly when and during which old mafia game i drew that conclusion but it has stuck with me). now if i was mafia i would try to eliminate my strongest opponents during the night, which is why i checked radwuld on n1 an...
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 6:33 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Heffie This makes me invulnerable to attacks from that faction which can kill by violent attacks. It makes sense that there would be an NTA that gives immunity to infection attacks, so unless anyone else claims such an NTA as his, I would lean towards believing Clemens for now" I posted at least 4-...
by behemoth
Sun May 03, 2020 5:00 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Hm some very interesting developments have developed in my short absence... my thoughts and vote will follow shortly
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 7:21 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

It would have been very convenient for Clemens and Behemoth to claim sister roles on the town side, while both being mafia. None of them claimed to have NTAs, so it would be hard to catch them lying about their night activity. So I checked Behemoth this night, and their room had no traces of infect...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 4:25 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Game day. But I'll come off earlier if the majority can't focus on the task at hand because they are too distracted with all the doubts about me. Far as I'm concerned, this has now become the task at hand :) We've seen it get tricky when players reveal critical information at the very end of the da...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 9:44 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

behemoth "usually" is not the case we have at hand, we have slow killing deaths (infection) and a second bad faction that are probably vigilante killers, so I think it would be only fair to give some townies an NTA to balance the scales and gain more voting power during the day. Before my role was ...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 9:34 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I'm hoping someone has managed to block one of these violent kills which I guess if why we haven't seen a repeat instance? If there was only one I don't see the point in behemoth's special ability. It could be that we killed off the faction responsible for them. There's also a symmetry to the roles...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 9:18 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

As promised, my post about Noni:) I must begin with a little disclaimer though. It is possible that I have a major blind spot and my perspective on this is skewed. My suspicions started out with just an instinctive feeling, and based on that instinct, I gathered what facts I could. And while these f...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 6:45 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

So I got some popcorn, went back to the beginning, and reread a bunch of stuff. I'll give my two cents before calling it a night, but first let me address the below: This didn't display correctly before. I want to point out the behemoth was more eager to vote for me and to call valli scum for callin...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 4:36 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 4, until Sunday, May 3rd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

So we have a psychologist and a therapist, if daemon added a psychiatrist as well, I will most likely go jump out the window :))))) I am it and you can come to me for treatment, please don't jump out the window :) Totally kidding. So while your roles do seem similar, the seem to serve distinct purp...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 4:20 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

We’re scientists we can’t go lynching people based on conjecture alone. I worked hard for my degree and paid for it by working in college. No reckless accumulation of student loans here. His post in the very beginning stood out to me as odd, but it does kinda corroborate his role claim - unless he ...
by behemoth
Fri May 01, 2020 4:09 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I'm a psychologist and deamon passively feeds me with cryptic information that people confide in me which hasn't really been very useful apart from shedding a bit of light on the conspiracy theorists . Daemon is having a whole lot of fun with them btw they have peculiar abilities some of which are ...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:00 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

valli wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:59 pm
phox wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:57 pm
ok so who do we want Mr waffles to block? I say telvek is fishy or rene cause he backed emily
telvek, rene are good targets
I agree, and they are also very high on my list of suspicions for scum
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:58 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

we need one more vote.. Princess, care to join? any other takers?
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:57 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

So best case scenario is a fool that does no harm other than spew out gibberish. Worst case scenario is that he has an evil NTA and can possibly cause harm at night. Based on his behavior, I don't think it's worth risking to give him an extra night.
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

The problem with Siderite is that he has not done anything to indicate that he will eventually be useful to the town. He maintains minimal poetic presence, but that's about it. Then are you going for a vote or not? Valli what is it that's stopping you... In your experience, what kind of player goes...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:46 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

phox wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:44 pm
random voting, he voted himself than noni today, posts with no substance, gibberish, poems, wasting time basically
Also, on the very first day of the game, on his first or second post I believe, I called him out - his immediate response was to vote for me. Total scum move.
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:42 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

That's because he is not the same faction as Emilly Just to clarify, you mean his really strange behavior, right? I mean that being a separate evil entity is why Emilly would have been happy to vote him off and score credibility points. Yes, I do think his strange behavior is what incriminates him....
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:24 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

Clemens wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:22 pm
behemoth wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:18 pm
Can we pleeeease vote Siderite now
I'm wary of voting for @Siderite since @Emilly (and @phox) had no qualms of doing so.
That's because he is not the same faction as Emilly
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:18 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

Can we pleeeease vote Siderite now
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:59 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

Noni wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:57 pm
vote Mary
Not trying to postpone. I'm genuinely in trouble at real work for forgetting to do some stuff today abs am trying to sort it now.

Join the club

10 Mary: EscapedConvict, zero, MrWaffles, valli, clemens, Princess.ruxi, Bombaclaat, behemoth, Gridfon, Noni
1 EscapedConvict: Mary
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:33 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

(10) Nanaa: Bombaclaat, valli, EscapedConvict, zero, MrWaffles, phox, behemoth, Noni, Heffie, Princess
(1) EscapedConvict: Clemens
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:29 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

Heffie wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:28 pm
I think that's 9, how many do we need? We should get to Mary before EOD
We need 10. We now have 9.

(9) Nanaa: Bombaclaat, valli, EscapedConvict, zero, MrWaffles, phox, behemoth, Noni, Heffie
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:18 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 21:00 GMT/UTC

We can try making a run for it

Vote Nanaa

If in 40 mins from now we don't get enough votes, we go for Mary
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:12 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Role declarations implied/hinted: Emilly : #1380 // seems outdated now N1: EscapedConvict is clean N2: Princess.ruxi is clean N3: Phox is clean When did emily ever say I was clean? I never remember reading that. I am trying to find the post but I can't. In my notes I have it that she said Clemens w...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:00 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

If you insist on dying today, we can still help you out. But we need your help with instant lynching Emily so that we can move things along.
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:57 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Rene I'm also watching you buddy. You haven't really been a part of things, but show up at the very end to vote. I think the townies are now finally in agreement with a game plan. If you don't join us, would you care to entertain us with an assessment of the situation or a summary of your reasons.
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:53 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

And also because I wanted to exclude the possibility of two identical roles. Given the stakes, I think it's worth looking at it from every angle to make sure we don't have another Radwulf situation on our hands. Thanks Valli for responding. In light of everything that has been pointed out, I will vo...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:49 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

behemoth why do you keep siding with emily after all her contradictions? just like her, you randomly disclaimed your role without even being asked for it, maybe you got inspired from Clemens . Because I'm skimming this at work on the sly and typing as I can, and by the time I'm done with posting th...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:39 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Can you please confirm whether your role details mention anything about you being an expert in or only being able to detect a specific strand of the virus
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:37 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I wasn't suspecting you before but you're trying to defend Emily way too much Everyone is free to suspect anyone. I am trying to rule out the possibility of there being two nearly identical roles. If the story specifically accounts for two specific strands of the virus, why would it be too far fetc...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:22 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

L is very deadly one S is the softer one I can confirm. I've been infected with the L strand! Valli is right??!! What the fudge ppl? How could Emilly invent such a perfect role with a perfect name - identical name actually with Valli's? I don't know. I even went straight to daemon and asked him if ...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:07 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

So Vali just came clean about his super important role, the one that Emily declared for no reason lying about her supposed targets It sure would have been a hell of a lot more believable if we would have called Emily out on her supposed lie the second she declared her role. Give us a little more ti...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:58 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Yeah, labs don't usually have administrators IRL. Am I wrong? Depends on the lab. But some do. Also, the whole "lab" vs "facility" debate feels like semantics, because a facility has more than just a lab in it. We already know this and we can suspect there are more sections as well: - a garden, som...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:55 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

beheomoth what you said about noni makes no sense to me, I can see both roles existing, one is a manager for the whole crown facility, the other is for the labs of the scientists. Yeah, labs don't usually have administrators IRL. Am I wrong? They have lead scientists. But if they were to have admin...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:45 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I don't know if I can come back before the day is over, so ... hopefully for the last time: Unvote EscapedConvict Vote Noni Also, one last thought - if we go with the theory of delayed infection, then it might make sense to have an investigative role that detects the virus immediately upon infection...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:35 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Vote Emilly But with hesitation... :? :? :? dude :lol: didn't u say u asked dæmon and he said you can only vote for joesatri regardless if he is dead? Only for the first vote. I checked again and I can vote now that you've lynched someone. So, if Bombaclaat who in my eyes is scum has just voted for...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:33 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

zero In essence, every night I can call a player in my room That means you targeted Joe in your second night. Confirm please. Mafia tries to infect someone - Radwulf(makes sense) but fails That would explain the no kill in N1. If Mafia tried to infect Radwulf in N1, wouldn't Noni, who was lurking a...
by behemoth
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:17 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617079

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 3, until Tuesday, April 28th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Regarding the theory of Clemens being Godfather - he would come up as "uninfected" to an investigative role like Emily's, but then I doubt there would be traces of infection found in his room by Gridfon. This last part is more consistent with the hypothesis that someone tried to infect him and he ha...