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by radwulf
Fri May 08, 2020 1:34 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

Psychos and Mafia are not allies, so in theory they could have killed one another. It just so happened that the psychos were all killed in one go during the multi-lynch festival of 2020 before they accomplished anything. :D Yes, but statistically they're both more likely to kill townies, especially...
by radwulf
Fri May 08, 2020 1:20 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup
Replies: 38
Views: 35108

Re: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup

The game ends when Traitors attain majority, or the town declares a night and no deaths occur . Should this say: no night kills were attempted ? If the linked rules by Davidoff are implemented directly, then having no deaths at night appears to be very likely, even on multiple nights. It's hard for...
by radwulf
Wed May 06, 2020 12:36 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME
Replies: 143
Views: 113175

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - POST GAME

In the town's defense, I think our chances were very slim from the start. Even with the delayed/decelerated night kill rate of evil factions, a ratio of 12 evil out of 28 players (0.43) is extremely high. My understanding of game design is that evil/total ratio MUST be between 1/4 and 1/3. Here we w...
by radwulf
Wed May 06, 2020 11:58 am
Forum: Romanian Porch
Topic: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri
Replies: 35
Views: 58384

Re: Mafia 3 - CRAIOVA, MON AMOUR - Inscrieri

Shall we rename this forum "Romanian Porch"? I think it has a nice ring to it.
by radwulf
Wed May 06, 2020 11:45 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

Here are some of the early games (in English) that I have in my archive. Rename to html to view.
by radwulf
Wed May 06, 2020 2:01 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

Do you recall what the URLs were? Often you can find dead sites on the Wayback Machine (an archive for websites), and I'd be curious to take a look. Amazingly, day 1 of game 1 is still up even though it was unmanaged for 18 years. (1st day of 1st game only) pub...
by radwulf
Wed May 06, 2020 1:35 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup
Replies: 38
Views: 35108

Re: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup

We need 2 more. I've settled on a 9 town, 4 mafia format. If we don't get 2 more sign-ins soon, we could switch to a 7t3m format by asking someone to volunteer for alternate.
by radwulf
Fri May 01, 2020 1:29 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

That's quite an amazing platform you've built there Thingyman . I'm surprised I haven't heard of it until now. I'm also surprised you haven't heard of Looks like the internet is not at all a small world after all. If I understand correctly, your online games do not follow the origina...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:47 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

Also, I see a problem with the current format (our and yours) of tight deadlines and posting around the clock for people who play-at-work. I wonder if a lazy format, with no deadlines, giving the town full control of day end, and multiple lynches per day (again, a strict adaptation of the original l...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:41 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

That's quite an amazing platform you've built there Thingyman . I'm surprised I haven't heard of it until now. I'm also surprised you haven't heard of Looks like the internet is not at all a small world after all. If I understand correctly, your online games do not follow the original...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:13 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

If I recall correctly, EC and Daemon (under his alternate username) were two of the people with most moderator's awards on the old forums, so I would nominate them first, if they can spare the time.
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:32 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

@Daemon, do you intend to keep secret forever your alternate, player-username? :) I remember you employed it quite successfully.
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:29 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

I suggest we assemble a list of willing veterans (if any).
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:02 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

Forgot to mention, we also played in real-time on IRC Undernet channel #mafiagames. Of course, the quality of those games was inevitably lower.
by radwulf
Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:01 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Look here!
Replies: 36
Views: 27081

Re: Look here!

Thanks for the invitation, Thingyman, and thanks for the nomination, Daemon. Sadly, I'm unable to meet the time commitment required. I first played online in what I believe to be the first online community, GreyLabyrinth, in 2001, and the second one established around that time, MafiaScum. Inspired ...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:13 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup
Replies: 38
Views: 35108

Re: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup

Sorry to hear.
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Wait one night. If you lynch me tomorrow the town at least gets another temperature read. You have little to lose if you wait one night, but much to lose if you don't.
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:53 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

It's unlikely but not impossible if there's a simple way to identify infectious mafia day 1 after infection--by a voting test. Considering the non-voting / fever association we have in your person, Joesatri, I'm wary of anyone who may suffer from that. That's why the voting test is very important, a...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:43 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

MrWaffles wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:39 pm
Not if there's still a town blocker or healer left alive. That person can use the NTA on the remaining baddie.
Edit: Can use block NTA on the baddie, or heal on the other townsperson...
Correct, NTAs can change that and need to be taken into account, along with what is public knowledge etc.
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:36 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I don't understand the townie monster dragon thing If 1 or 2 townies find themselves in an end-game day with 2 mafia belonging to different factions, the only shot they have at winning the game is by not lynching anyone. That would leave on the table the chance of the bad guys shooting each other t...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:27 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I have to guess the reason you are troubled my info is you're worried about your own temperature, Noni (SCENARIO A). As day end approaches, I want to make sure the town is aware of the following. 1. Please continue the voting tests tomorrow to cover SCENARIO A (1-person, recruiting/infecting, non-ki...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:17 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

One more thing, if Joesatri got infected in NIGHT 2 and that's a delayed death... why didn't anyone get infected in NIGHT 1? Why didn't anyone come forward in DAY 1 stating they will die soon? Why didn't anyone die a delayed death in NIGHT 2? No murders and no infections in NIGHT 1? How likely is th...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:12 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Let me entertain your theory. If Joe is mafia and he dies before the night ends do you think Mafia won't kill? Do you think it's just one mafia person and that is Joe? Is it really that crazy that your results may not be accurate?! NO IT'S NOT. If they can kill, they would. But if Joesatri has a sp...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:02 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

No. I explained very clearly why. If town, he's lost to us anyway. If mafia (as fever in a coronavirus game very likely indicates), it prevents him from using an NTA. If having fever does not mean being mafia, then what's the point of my role?
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:52 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

To the people voting for me: if you're mafia, I understand your vote. If you're not mafia, you're willing to lynch a person who has a PROVEN ability to detect infection in a CORONAVIRUS game? Wouldn't it be more prudent to at least wait one night to see if the person with fever in a CORONAVIRUS game...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

If we vote to freeze Joe we will loose the clues from Daemon story! Joe dies because of infection - daemon will tell us more about it. We put Joe into cryo - that s all the info we are going to get. Stop suggesting cryo for Joe! That's assuming he is what he says he is, and what he says will happen...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:48 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

After what happened to Trigardon I'll move next to the most dangerous suspect so far: mr. radwulf. 1. He was so vehemently sure Moxy was mafia so he insisted on lynching him. (tend to incline now Moxy was a townie role), 2. I visited Siderite's blog. He seems to be a very articulate guy, and he has...
by radwulf
Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:10 am
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Behemoth is my sister. She is actively working and moved house very recently. I don't know if that's the reason why she is not very active (I don't discuss the game at all outside of the thread, of course). When she did post I felt she did so carefully and logically, but I believe her quite capable ...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:29 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I'm not sure why this is so hard to understand this line of reasoning. Must be because some of you have a role that demands you pretend not to understand. A temperature reading ability in this game only makes sense as a cop-type role. If I detect fever, the simplest explanation (Occam's razor) is th...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:20 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Sander, your attempt to spin the fever into something (anything) else other than infection with the virus in a Coronavirus-themed game feels like desperation to me. Minor quibble: in your last post you put my name over a quote from zero. Emily, if Joesatri is infectious mafia (SCENARIO A or C), the ...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:16 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Principles of game theory make a rapid lynch of Joesatri the most logical approach. Nothing to lose if he's good and truthful (except perhaps details regarding his disease and death as someone pointed out), but a denial of any negative night-time ability if he's mafia (SCENARIOS A and C) and the pot...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:27 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I changed my mind. If Joesatri is being truthful about his imminent death, we will lose him soon. If he lies and is infectious mafia, he gains at least one night in which to exercise his ability. I will go with what I know for sure at this point, that he has a fever in a Coronavirus-themed game. unv...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:11 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I can absolutely confirm this. But who says he blocked something evil instead of something good! Moxy was holding prejucides in the first NTA, so it's not surprise his first LYNCH vote was going towards me. I think we have reason to rejoice, town. This is Trigardon's first post (#334) after Moxy's ...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:42 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

[off-game]Very sorry for your real life troubles, Trigardon. I hope things get better soon.[/off-game] Now that the two most suspicious people were voted off and turned out to be Security, they're looking more and more like a mafia faction. Note that Trigardon's role claim did not even mention a nig...
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:11 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup
Replies: 38
Views: 35108

Re: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup

I've changed the rule about bold-voting; you'll vote using the new board feature (with red color).
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:09 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup
Replies: 38
Views: 35108

Re: Mafia 2 - This is SPARTA - Signup

valli wrote:
Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:25 pm
A "yes I'm in", if it does not run in parallel with the existing one. One Mafia game at a time°
Hey valli, that makes sense. I plan on starting it as soon as there are enough players, though, so there may be overlap.
by radwulf
Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:54 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

The temperature check could have different meanings. Maybe someone's temperature rises when he uses his NTA. Or maybe an increased temperature means he had a visitor at night. Eg, the cleaners. I highly doubt, you can so easily deduct friends and foes. You said the doctor is in your role descriptio...
by radwulf
Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:51 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Wednesday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

The temperature check is the only ability I have. I do know of the existence of a doctor (part of my role description), whom I'm supposed to help in his mission. I can think of two distinct possibilities (there may be more): SCENARIO A. (Joesatri LIES) There's a 1-person infected faction that has in...
by radwulf
Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:53 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

But nothing did happen. I was expecting something else from all of this. I have to say I am disappointed. All this talking and finger pointing. I fear the onset of a murderous campaign, I fear the palpitations caused by too much tea. I guess getting put in cryo is better than getting killed, so vot...
by radwulf
Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:08 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Thursday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Wrong. You took your chance, pushed hard and got a townie lynched on Day 1. You could not miss a chance like that. Would be foolish to do so, by all mafia standards, A victory to be celebrated by your clan, no doubt. That's not sound logic. Pushing hard to lynch a townie on day 1 gets a mafia membe...
by radwulf
Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:34 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 2, until Thursday, April 22nd, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I don't even get a last word, EC? A role claim, perhaps? By your style of play, should I now post in ALL CAPS: "OMG how dare you do something like that, EC, a veteran player like you, insta-lynching someone without at least asking for a role claim?" Wasn't a premature role demand the reason you were...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:57 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

I have nothing to add Moxy. I can only reiterate why you deserve to be lynched: you used me as bait even though you wouldn't have been able to know I'm innocent unless you were mafia, you got caught in a lie about it, you claimed 2 night time abilities, you admit to being part of a distinct faction,...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:40 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Well I would expect the healer to help me out. ... Griff actually makes a fairly good point and I wouldn’t want to do anything that could risk the townie healer or another important townie come under fire by the mafia. the same post. This is why he shouldn't be allowed to live anymore. To eli...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:48 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Rene, the mafia most likely can choose which one of them performs the kill. So blocking Trigardon doesn't necessarily block their kill. EC, we don't need pacts with the devil, thanks. What we need is clarity for the town's Night 2 and Day 2's discussions, especially in this game where we may be faci...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:26 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

No, it's a bad idea borne out of EC's desperation at losing his Godfather on day 1. The town is divided and uncertain right now. A successful lynch would bring tremendous value to the accuracy of NIGHT 2 actions. Right now we are not united enough for a lynch, no way there's enough consensus to dire...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:17 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Sigh explain why I have two NTA’s ? Well I didn’t want this information out there but I’m head of security. I can send messages to look for my other members of security team. Everyone I send a message too can reply. So whether my other members of security can send messages to me Without having to w...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:59 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

There's little doubt that Moxy's claimed abilities exist. The accusation is at least some of them belong to his mafia colleagues. Having him prove their existence proves nothing in regards to establishing his innocence. Moxy, on a scientific base, army/police types stand much more likely to inflict ...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:43 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

A valiant last stand, Moxy, but it doesn't stand up to any scrutiny. The Security team (generally former army/police types with a background of inflicting violence) could have received their mission orders then proceeded with dispatching the comm technician, destroying the outside comm link, then co...
by radwulf
Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:22 pm
Forum: English Corner
Topic: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - GAME OVER!
Replies: 2849
Views: 1617097

Re: Mafia 1 - The CROWN - DAY 1, until Thursday, April 16th, 20:00 GMT/UTC

Thanks, that was probably unnecessary. :) For today we have self-disclosure (enforced by the mod) from Joesatri. I don't expect the infected to be permanently disabled from voting, but running my proposed test tomorrow would reveal if that's the case.